Contact Transit

Any questions or concerns?

The best way to contact us is from inside the app. Here’s how:

  • Tap the gear icon at the top left of the main screen.
  • Scroll down to "Help center" and tap "Get support".
  • Tap "Email us".

Note: This will open your default email app. To set up your default email app:

  • Apple: Go to Settings > Apps ;> Default Apps > Email
  • Android: This may change depending on your device’s specific operating system. Go to Settings > Apps (See all apps) > Your email app > open by default

You can also contact us by tapping this link on your phone directly. Tapping the link on your phone helps us receive critical debugging information so that we can diagnose and solve the problem you're experiencing.

Once you tap the link on your phone, you can compose your message, include relevant screenshots, and send it!

If you can't access your phone at the moment, you can always email us directly: Please note that we might require further information from you to investigate any issues.

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