Contact your Local Transportation Agency

Transit is a third-party app based in Montréal, Québec, Canada. This means that we're not directly involved in the operations of your local transportation agency, and that we aren't able to respond to questions you would usually ask them.

Instead, we recommend contacting your local transportation system directly. You can look up your local transit system’s contact information at the link below.

Your transit system’s contact information can also usually be found on their website.

When to contact your local transit agency:

  • You forgot a personal belonging on a transit vehicle or at a stop
  • You’d like to report a problem with transit staff or infrastructure
  • You have suggestions for how to improve transit service in your area
  • You have questions about the operations of your local transit system

We're happy to respond to any questions you have about Transit specifically. Click or tap here for more info on how to contact Transit.

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