Use Transit in Dark Mode

Note: This article has been revised to reflect Transit’s most recent update (5.15.17), which includes significant changes to the profile and settings page. This update is being rolled out progressively and may not yet be available to all users. Please contact with any questions.

Dark Mode darkens the background colour of the app to make the colour of your line pop and protect your eyes from bright light. Try it at night for the best combination of comfort and readability. Here’s what it looks like:

Your app will be set to the default mode of your device. However, you can also use Transit with a mode that's different from your system default.

Here's how to change the Transit mode:

  • Tap the gear icon at the top left of the main screen.
  • Scroll down to "Preferences" and tap "Themes and icons".
  • Tap on "Appearance" and select the desired setting.
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